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Adobe Widget Browser 2.0 Build 348

AIR application that allows users to easily preview and configure widgets

Category: Developer Tools
Popularity: Medium
Version String: 2.0 Build 348
Release Date: 2012-04-15
Architecture: i386
Minimum OS: macOS 10.4
Vendor Name: Adobe Inc.
Homepage: helpx.adobe.com

Version History 2.0 Build 348



The Adobe Widget Browser is an Adobe AIR application that allows users to easily preview and configure widgets, and then generate an HTML page that uses the widget.

The Adobe Widget Browser is designed to solve these difficulties by providing an intuitive user interface for configuring and using widgets.

The Adobe Widget Browser helps developers and designers use widgets by simplifying three main steps:
• Browse: View details and ratings as you browse available widgets.
• Configure: Configure JavaScript and CSS properties, including background colors, duration, and any other settings exposed by the widget developer. As you set properties, the widget is updated in real-time as it runs in the Preview pane.
• Deploy: Save the current working code to a file that can be integrated into your web pages.

The Adobe Widget Browser displays any widgets that have been uploaded to the Adobe Exchange. Widgets are actually ZIP files that have been prepared for the Widget Browser.