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ZXPInstaller 1.8.2

Adobe extensions installer

Category: Productivity
Price: Free
Popularity: High
Version String: 1.8.2
Release Date: 2021-11-22
Minimum OS: macOS 10.11.0
Vendor Name:
Homepage: zxpinstaller.com

Version History 1.8.2

You can find release notes for this version here: [github.com]


ZXPInstaller is a simple cross platform (OS X and Windows) installer for third party Adobe extensions (.zxp files). It serves as a replacement for the Extension Manager which no longer is not supported after CC
2014. It provides a drag-and-drop GUI for installation, and a website to which extension developers can point users to download the installer.

ZXPInstaller uses Electron (http://electron.atom.io) to create a cross platform HTML/node.js app. The app spawns a child process for the Adobe Extension Manager command line utility to install the ZXP.