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Droool 1.2

Photo gallery for your social networks

Category: Social Networking
Popularity: Low
Version String: 1.2 (102)
Release Date: 2014-09-18
Architecture: Intel
Minimum OS: macOS 10.8
Vendor Name: MOKA Code
Homepage: www.icyblaze.com

Version History 1.2 (102)



The photo gallery for your social networks. A place you could browse thousands of visual inspirations and hot pictures across all social networks like Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Dribbble, Tumblr, RSS feeder, etc.

* Flickr is on board now!
* Browse latest pictures from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Tumblr, Dribbble, etc. 
* Discover cool pictures with #tags or Author names.
* Update pictures from RSS feeders.

In App Purchase features:
* Index pictures from local folders like iPhoto library, iCloud folders, Dropbox folders, etc. 
* One Click to download pictures from social networks.
* Advanced tagging and stack organising features.
* Easily share pictures through email, AirDrop, Message, Twitter, Facebook,Tumblr, etc.