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Keepa - Price Tracker 4.19

Detailed Price History charts for over 1 billion Amazon products

Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free
Popularity: Medium
Version String: 4.19 (4190)
Release Date: 2024-04-11
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 10.14
Vendor Name: Keepa GmbH
Homepage: www.youtube.com

Version History 4.19 (4190)

We're continually enhancing our extension for a top-notch user experience. This update includes bug fixes and enhancements to improve functionality. Share your feedback or report any issues by emailing info@keepa.com. Your input is valued, and we're here to assist you!


+ Price History charts
Detailed Price History charts for over 1 billion Amazon products.

+ Price Drop & Availability Alerts
Set up a price watch directly from the product page. We track any product for you and notify you once the product dropped below your desired price. We track lightning deals as well!

+ Compare and track international Amazon prices
Prices for all Amazon locales are listed and can easily be tracked.

+ Daily Deals, an overview of recent price drops
Get the real deals. Keepa finds the best deals every day. Find products with the highest drop in price in your favorite product category.

+ Wishlist Import
You can easily import your whole wishlist and create price watches for every item on it.

+ Customizable
Change the behavior of the extension the way you like it.

+ Amazon Locales Support [ .com | .co.uk | .de | .co.jp | .fr | .ca | .it | .es | .in | .com.mx ]

+ Language Support [ English | Deutsch | 日本語 | Français | Italiano | Español | 中文 ]

No account needed. Just install and start saving money.

This extension does not add any browser buttons. You can access and set it up on any Amazon product page.

We request the following permissions:
- Access to keepa.com: needed for communication with our servers to provide the extension with price history data and handle your (optional) user account for price tracking.
- Access to amazon.com, amzn.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.it, amazon.ca, amazon.com.mx, amazon.es, amazon.cn, amazon.co.jp, amazon.in, amazon.com.br, amazon.nl and amazon.com.au: Required to embed our price history graph directly on Amazon product pages.
- 'storage': Enables the extension to store data (like your settings) locally in your browser. Like cookies.

That's it. You can also read our privacy policy, it is really short: https://keepa.com/#!disclaimer