MyMonero 1.3.3
The JS codebase for the MyMonero desktop and web wallet apps
Category: | Finance |
Price: | Free |
Popularity: | Low |
Version String: | 1.3.3 |
Release Date: | 2022-10-31 |
Architecture: | Intel |
Minimum OS: | macOS 10.10.0 |
Vendor Name: | MyMonero |
Homepage: | |
Version History 1.3.3
1. License and Copyrights
3. Requirements & Install Locations
4. Reporting Bugs & Making Feature Requests
Contributing and Testing
1. Getting the Source Code
2. Repo Contents Overview
3. Building for Production
4. Running in Development Mode
5. Contributing
6. Acknowledgements
License and Copyrights
See LICENSE.txt for license.
All app source code and assets copyright © 2014-2019 by MyMonero. All
rights reserved.
Download the latest version from our website at or from the
Releases tab.
Developers and pre-release testers who would like to use and work on the
app can run it by obtaining the source and running one of the build
commands below.
To get set up with the source code, please see GETTING THE SOURCE CODE
Requirements & Install Locations
The desktop app is built on Electron and can be packaged to run on
modern versions of:
- MacOS (.app)
- Windows (installer .exe)
- Linux (.appimage)
Where is user data saved?
- Desktop: See Electron’s app.getPath('userData')
- Browser: None (no data is saved)
Reporting Bugs & Making Feature Requests
If you would like to report an issue or share a feature request, please
create a Github Issue on this project.
If you’re reporting a bug, be sure to include all information which we
would need to reproduce the issue, such as the operating system and app
version on which you saw the bug, and the steps you took, if you can
Please don’t use the Issues tracker for general support or inquiries.
You can also contact us directly.
Getting the Source Code
Download & Install
1. First, ensure that you have recent versions of node and npm
2. Clone or otherwise download this repository. Then, in your terminal,
cd into the repo directory.
3. (To get the bleeding edge, and/or if you are going to make changes)
Switch to the develop branch by executing git checkout develop.
4. NEW Be sure to set up and download all required Git submodules with
- Note: At present, run this command after pulling this repo as
necessary to keep all sub-modules up-to-date.
5. Install all required node_modules by executing npm install.
On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux
- It has been reported that Debian/Ubuntu now calls the node binary
nodejs. One workaround is to create a symlink from /usr/bin/nodejs
to /usr/bin/node.
- libgconf is now a requirement for running Electron under Linux, and
can be installed with apt install libgconf-2-4
Repo Contents Overview
- Executable scripts for common tasks are located in bin/
- Local, application source code is located in local_modules/. This
includes bundled/static third-party “Vendor” libraries such as
- After installation, non-bundled third-party modules (such as
Electron) will be located in node_modules/.
- App package and build process info is located in package.json.
- This readme is located at, and the license is located at
Building for Production
If you’re testing a pre-release version of this app and need to verify
its behavior in production mode or want to obtain an installable release
bundle, see Packaging the App for Production Mode.
If you want to run the browser build which is provided in the releases,
simply unzip it, cd into the browser_build directory, then run
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9100 (replacing the port with one of your
choice if needed). Then, open your browser of choice and navigate to
Running in Development Mode
_Does not require you to package, sign, and install the app, and will
cause the Developer window to be shown. Certain features, such as URL
opening under MacOS, require production build._
Browser (Web wallet)
_Note:_ This will run the command python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9100 to
serve ./browser_build. After this command completes, open your browser
of choice and navigate to http://localhost:9100.
Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.
Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!
If you have an improvement to the codebase and would like to have your
code shipped in the production MyMonero app, please submit a pull
request, even if it’s still a WIP. We try to credit all contributors in
app release notes.
Before contributing, please spend a few moments scanning the technology
notes to learn about libraries used, reasons behind some architectural
choices, and more.
- Merging PRs which involve integrating with any third-party services
will require discussion and agreement.
- We reserve the right to refuse to merge any PRs, such as those which
introduce breaking changes.
The maintainer enjoys collaborating with volunteer contributors to the
MyMonero apps over IRC private message and the #mymonero room on (Come say hello!), so PR’d submissions do not have to be at
all complete or perfect on their first submission. (To submit a draft PR
for review, simply mark it as ‘’)
For background on this project, see Why We Built the Native Apps.
You may also like to read the unofficial Technology Roadmap to get a
peek at what we’re thinking about for the future.
There’s also an icebox of ideas, features, improvements, known issues,
and other todos waiting to be knocked out which are kept in the Issues
MyMonero Donation Address (XMR):
Proceeds from donations are used to fund development on the MyMonero
back-end server (a performant version of which we soon plan to
open-source for anyone to run their own server at home). Any remaining
funds will go towards product (app UI) R&D, and hosting costs.
Contributors to each release are credited in release notes.
Core Contributors
- 🏂 endogenic (Paul Shapiro) Lead maintainer; MyMonero lead
- 🦄 fluffyponyza (Riccardo Spagni) Advisor; MyMonero founder; Monero
core team member
- 😎 vtnerd (Lee Clagett) Lead back-end developer
- 🍄 luigi Monero tech advisor; Main MyMonero JS core crypto
- 🔥 mds (Matt Smith) MVP designer
- 🌠 Your name here?