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Webull Desktop 7.11.5

Stock tracking and trading application

Category: Finance
Price: Free
Popularity: Low
Version String: 7.11.5
Release Date: 2024-04-15
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 10.15.0
Vendor Name: Webull Technologies Limited
Homepage: [Mac App Store]

Version History 7.11.5

Ladder Price: Display of quotes according to trading accuracy;

New option in the right-click menu of Long Position Drawing: Create Group Order;
Paper Trading: Newly added 'Stop Order' type;

Chart Drawing: Upgraded rectangle and Fibonacci lines drawing, and fixed the issue with the magnetic mode on the horizontal line;

Chart Trading Records: Newly added 'Compact Mode';

Market Layout: Newly added 'Sentiment' feature in the 'Market Overview' Widget.


Zero Commission
- Zero commission and zero minimum deposit.

Free Real-time Quotes
- Free Level 2 market data (NASDAQ TotalView), in-depth charts, and analyst ratings.

Multi-platform Accessibility
- Free, in-depth data and analytics in one customisable application across desktop, web and mobile platforms.

Full Extended Hours Trading
- Full pre-market (4:00 AM - 9:30 AM ET) and after hours (4:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET) sessions.

24/7 Online Help
- We offer 24/7 online help to guide you through our multiple platforms and answer all your questions.

Email: CS@webull.com
Facebook / Twitter: @WebullGlobal
Reddit: /r/Webull/
Website: https://www.webull.com

System response and account access time may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes, market conditions, system performance and other factors.

Risk Disclosure: Trading of stocks and all other investment products involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The value of stocks may fluctuate and as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment.

No content in the App shall be considered a recommendation or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities, options or other investment products. All information and data in the App is for reference only and no historical data shall be considered as the basis for judging future trends.

Webull Financial LLC is a member of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash). Explanatory brochure available upon request or at www.sipc.org.

Our clearing firm Apex Clearing Corp has purchased an additional insurance policy. The coverage limits provide protection for securities and cash up to an aggregate of $150 million, subject to maximum limits of $37.5 million for any one customer’s securities and $900,000 for any one customer’s cash. Similar to SIPC protection, this additional insurance does not protect against a loss in the market value of securities.

Free trading of stocks refers to $0 commissions for Webull Financial LLC self-directed individual cash or margin brokerage accounts that trade U.S. listed securities via mobile devices or Web. Relevant SEC & FINRA fees may apply.

Check the background of Webull Financial LLC on FINRA's BrokerCheck (https://brokercheck.finra.org/).