YNAB 4.3.855
Budget software that can help you manage your manage your money
Category: | Finance |
Price: | |
Popularity: | Low |
Version String: | 4.3.855 |
Release Date: | 2016-06-06 |
Architecture: | i386 |
Minimum OS: | macOS 10.6 |
Vendor Name: | You Need A Budget LLC |
Homepage: | www.youneedabudget.com |
Version History 4.3.855
You Need A Budget is award-winning software and a proven method—that works.
What really makes You Need A Budget different is that we can teach you how to manage your money and get ahead—for good. What if your bills rolled in and instead of piling up, you just paid them? No sweat. What if you didn’t even realize it was payday because you had money in the bank and weren’t desperate for that check to arrive? Forget everything you think you know about budgeting and prepare to experience total control.
Proven Method
Our Four Rules are the key, the magic, the secret sauce, if you will. Learn our method and you could budget successfully, blindfolded, with one arm tied behind your back. (Well, you could, but it’s still easier with the software.)
Budget Together
Access to real-time information, from any device, anytime, makes it drop-dead simple to share finances with a partner (and not accidentally overspend at Target).
Goal Tracking
Budgeting isn’t about restriction. It’s about setting and reaching your goals. And then setting new, bigger goals, and doing it again. Boom!
Eye candy (read: graphs and charts) make it fun to obsess over your progress. Watch out—we might make a budgeting nerd out of you yet!
Personal Support
We’re invested in your success. Shoot us an email. Or check out one of the 100+ free, live, online workshops we offer every week. (Seriously!) Our team is here to help!
Secure Data
Security is our #1 priority. We encrypt our data, bcrypt hash all user passwords, and the data centers we use are accredited multiple times over. (If you are the type of person who actually knows what this means, all the nitty-gritty details are outlined on our Privacy and Security pages.)