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FontForge 20230101

Free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU+Linux

Category: Graphics & Design
Price: Free
Popularity: Medium
Version String: 20230101 (20230101)
Release Date: 2023-01-01
Architecture: Intel
Minimum OS: macOS 10.15.0
Vendor Name: George Williams
Homepage: fontforge.github.io

Version History 20230101 (20230101)




FontForge is a free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and
GNU+Linux. Use it to create, edit and convert fonts in OpenType,
TrueType, UFO, CID-keyed, Multiple Master, and many other formats.

fontforge.org — homepage

designwithfontforge.com — font creation manual

INSTALL-git.md — developer instructions to build from source

.travis.yml — a list of installation dependencies

CONTRIBUTING.md — contributing guidelines