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Maccy 0.30.0

Clipboard manager that keeps your copy history

Category: Utilities
Price: Free
Popularity: Medium
Version String: 0.30.0 (29)
Release Date: 2024-03-05
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 10.14.6
Vendor Name: Alex Rodionov
Homepage: maccy.app

Version History 0.30.0 (29)

• Added Hebrew translation.
• Added an option to show special symbols in the popup (newlines, tabs, leading and trailing spaces)
• Added an option to change search match highlighting from bold to italic or underline.
• Added a hidden option to change a clipboard check interval and also lowered it from 1000 ms to 500 ms.
• Improved Japanese translation.
• Improved German translation.
• Improved performance of search by lowering the delay from 400 ms to 200 ms.
• Fixed an issue when switching between US and JIS keyboards would break search.
• Fixed an issue alternate items could not be selected on macOS 14.4.
• Fixed an issue when copying multiple files would only show the first one in the history.
• Fixed an issue when the popup won't appear near the cursor.


Clipboard manager for macOS which does one job - keep your copy history at hand. Period.
Lightweight. Open source. No fluff.

Unlike other Mac clipboard managers, Maccy does only one job - keep your copy history and let you access it fast. You won't be overloaded by unnecessary features.

Maccy works blazingly fast. You can open and search your entire clipboard history in just a fraction of a second. Nothing should distract you from what you're focused on.

Just type what you want to find in history and hit Enter. You don't need to use your mouse. Don't waste your time moving your hands away from the keyboard.

Maccy respects your privacy. If your password manager removes a copied password from the clipboard, so will Maccy. Everything is stored on your computer.

Maccy is built using native macOS UI. It is minimalistic. It looks and feels exactly as you'd expect. Don't get distracted by a sophisticated design.

Maccy is an open source application using the MIT license. It is and will always be free. Its full source code is available at GitHub. You can inspect or change it however you want.