: ]Version 11 is a paid upgrade for everyone who purchased before 1 March 2023. ] ]Version 11 is a free upgrade for anyone who purchased after 1 March 2023. ] ]Keyboard Maestro 11.x requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later. ] ]Changed in 11.0.3 ] ]* Support dragging a file on to the File Selection button in the Write to File action (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/dragging-file-to-purple-folder-doesnt-get-the-path/34084) ]* Added the SelectMenuByNameText token. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-get-last-selected-menu-item/35954/14) ]* Corrected %LongSystemVersion% token to %SystemLongVersion%. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/km-11-token-systemlongversion-not-giving-a-result/34830) ]* Worked around a bug in NSRegularExpression erroneously setting NSMatchingHitEnd (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/find-and-replace-with-regex-doesnt-find-every-occurrence/35137) ]* Worked around an issue with Open Finder Selection. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/the-application-cant-be-opened/34974) ]* Remove `exists` condition for variables which has no single meaning. ]* Resolved a crash if you enter percent characters in USB Device or Mounted Volume trigger names. ]* Fixed Manipulate Window not working on multiple windows when it should have. ]* Fixed an issue with Focussed Window Title Changed trigger on activation. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/focused-window-title-changes-trigger-gets-triggered-upon-group-activation/35128) ]* Fixed an issue with displaying some forms of styled text (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/named-clipboards-how-to-change-font-and-background-color-font-type-size-etc/36116) ]* Fixed an issue where the Active Macro Groups palette could be incorrect. ]* Fixed a possible issue with New Chrome Window putting the URL in the old window. ]* Fixed an issue where modifiers could be added to the search field if it was the focussed field when the editor activated. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-editor-unintentionally-inserting-modifiers-in-to-search-field/34463) ]* Tried again to resolve issues with non-integer refresh rates and the Set Screen Resolution action. ] ]Changed in 11.0.2 ] ]* Resolved an issue Display Text Large stealing focus in Sonoma. ]* Worked around an issue when setting window position and size when the system is animating the changes and gets confused. ]* Fixed the Alert action to honor the Set Next Engine Window Position action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-the-alert-window-does-not-respond-to-the-set-next-engine-window-action/33870) ]* Resolved an issue with keys in the status menu not being handled for a period of time after the Status Menu is opened. ]* Resolved an issue with Set Variable to Text action and arrays within tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/bug-version-11-set-variable-to-text-variable-name-by-indirection-variable-name-from-array-with-custom-delimiter/33934) ]* Set Variable to Text will error if it is setting an indexed element and the index is out of range. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-write-to-a-position-in-an-array-variable/25702/7) ]* Resolved a performance issue with the FrontDocumentPath token in the editor. ]* Possibly resolved an issue with USB Device Key triggers when lots of 0 packets are sent by the device. ]* Fixed an issue with the non-edit display of OCR languages. ]* Fixed an issue with non-integer screen refresh rates. ] ]Changed in 11.0.1 ] ]* Request Calendar permission when using the Create Calendar Entry action. ]* Fixed an issue with Press a Button and other actions when it fails but does not abort the macro. ]* Fixed some issues with the Select Menu by Name action. ]* Fixed Search and Replace action to fail when the source cannot be read. ]* Mitigate issue with 1Password corrupted bookmarks causing a crash/lag. ]* Fixed an issue with Show Palette of Macros not using the default theme initially. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/palettes-all-changed-with-v11/33685) ]* Fixed the TriggerBase values for the Periodic, Time of Day and other triggers. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-periodic-trigger-s-triggerbase-value-has-changed-in-km11/33607) ]* Fixed an issue with FinderSelections and other tokens on pre-Ventura systems. ]* Added a TokenTimeout and ForceSynchronousTokens preference. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-finderselections-token-returns-inaccurate-results-when-selecting-large-number-of-items/33713) ]* Fixed some false positives with modifier only typed strings. ]* Fixed an issue with Find Image & Click Mouse With Found Image when Waiting For Match. ]* Resolved an issue with the macro group Toggle window stealing focus in Sonoma. ]* Fixed a possible issue with some Wireless trigger names. ]* Fixed a minor issue with the non-Edit display of Smart Groups. ] ]Changed in 11.0 ] ]Editor ] ]* Added New Macro Wizard to quickly make new macros. ]* Added Security preference pane to summarise the state and adjust the various system security settings. ]* Added Macro Group synching option to Disable Macro Group on All Macs. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/request-new-group-creation-pref-disabled-on-this-mac-on-all-cpus/32698) ]* Report if macros that are deleted are in use by other macros. ]* Added deprecated: search string. ]* Added action:1234 search string. ]* Added word:wombat search string. ]* Show Click Location in Quick Look view of images in Click at Found Image (contstant offsets only). ]* Added “Do Not Ask Again” option to Evaluate Conditions alert. ]* Added link to wiki Preferences in the General preferences settings. ]* Support option-Return in AppleScript script fields to add “¬” character. ]* Support text completion for Path fields. ]* Support `macros` in AppleScript smart groups. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-applescript-parity-between-macro-groups-and-smart-macro-groups/14602/4) ]* Added defence warning against the application being moved. (https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/action/linkthru?applicationmoved) ]* Added Find button when deleting a named clipboard that is used by one or more macros. ]* Added Move Action Up/Down menu items. ]* Added support to Press Button action to scan application windows for buttons. ]* Default new Execute JavaScript actions to modern syntax and include no variables. ]* Added live results to the Search & Replace action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/action-live-result-display/3124) ]* Added or by keyboardmaestro CLI Tool to the Or By Script menu. ] ]Engine ] ]* Added `keyboardmaestro` command line tool for triggering or editing macros. ]* Added modern JavaScript syntax mode. ]* Added support for limiting variables passed to scripts. ]* Added Apple Text Recognition to OCR options (macOS 10.15+). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/apple-vision-ocr-instead-of-tessaract/24464) ]* Added Active Macro Groups palette to show which groups are active (available via the Help menu or the Status Menu). ]* Simplified `Paste "xyz"` submenu in the status menu to just display the text. ]* Added an option to include macro icons in the status menu. ]* Added an option to include macro icons in the group status menus. ]* AppleScript do script returns results from the Return action. ]* Execute Macro shortcut returns results from the Return action. ]* Added Blue Topaz theme. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/custom-palette-style-colors/3516/28) ]* Request Screen Recording permission if the Pixel Condition is used. ]* Request Contacts permission if the AddressBook token is used. ]* Allow Create Unique File action without an output variable to execute without error. ]* Better detection and reporting of errors in Web Browser actions. ]* Use custom For Each action name in Display Progress title. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/for-each-action-now-has-its-own-progress-bar-km10/26437/8) ]* Added an option to show only Images in the Clipboard History Switcher. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/search-filter-images-only-in-clipboard-history-switcher/30123) ]* Support Command & Command-Shift Arrows in Spotlight-like windows. ]* Support `\` processing in variable token array item separators (eg %Variable%Lines[3]\n%). ]* Limit JavaScriptValue token maximum execution time to half a second. ]* Support arbitrarily large numbers of files dropped on a palette entry. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/increase-maximum-number-of-files-that-can-be-dropped-on-a-macro/31285) ]* Resolve symlinks for Applications (specifically this helps with the move of Safari in Ventura). ]* Removed use of deprecated SecKeychainUnlock et al. ]* Remove the "The text is" (and similar) from the Display Text windows. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/change-manipulate-the-title-of-the-display-text-in-window/32567/4) ]* Allow Prompt For user Input sliders to return decimals. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/slider-keeps-rounding-my-values-down/32936/2) ] ]Triggers ] ]* Added Space Changed trigger. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-new-trigger-desktop-space-change/32640) ]* Added tapped only once/twice/3 times options to Hot Key and USB Device Key trigger. ]* Added support for modifiers in Typed String triggers (eg “em⇧” means e, m, tap the shift key). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/suggestion-use-key-sequences-including-modifiers-to-trigger-macros/27093) ] ]Actions ] ]* Added Prompt for Snippet action. ]* Added Create Calendar Event action (macOS 10.14+). ]* Added Send Pushover Notification action. ]* Added Set Screen Resolution action. ]* Added Select Menu by Name action. ]* Added Remove Clipboard Flavors action. ]* Added Set Audio Input/Output/Sound Effects Device actions. ]* Added Mute/Unmute Audio Output Device action. ]* Added Get Location action. ]* Added option to Click at Found Image action to wait for the image to appear. ]* Added option to Find Image on Screen action to wait for the image to appear. ]* Added Progress Bar option to Group action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/for-each-action-now-has-its-own-progress-bar-km10/26437/12) ]* Added Progress Bar option to Repeat action. ]* Added support for other kinds of actions to the Press Button action (eg showing a menu). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/whats-the-best-way-to-work-with-mini-menus-not-the-menu-bar/10853/2) ]* Added an optional HelpURL field to Plug In actions. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-support-for-proper-help-information-in-third-party-plugins/20285) ]* Added support to Set JSON Value action to delete dictionary or array entries by setting to `%Delete%`. ]* Added explicit File Move and File Rename options to the Move or Rename action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/wiki-update-file-actions/11023) ]* Added Hide Other Application, Bring All Window to Front and Reopen Initial Windows options to Activate Application action when already at front. ]* Added an option to reduce the CPU usage of Pause Until for long running pauses. ]* Support Set Variable to Text action setting array elements of a variable. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-loop-through-array-variable/13498/3) ]* Added configurable themes for Show Palette of Macros action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-have-multiple-conflict-palette-styles/29239) ]* Added option to Applications Palette action to default to Hide Others when switching. ]* Added option to Apply Modifiers to Application action to default to Hide Others when switching. ]* Add options for All Windows and Reopen windows to Activate Last Application. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/is-there-a-km-action-equivalent-to-btt-switch-to-previous-window/31917/25) ]* Added File option to Stream Deck Set Image action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/stream-deck-set-the-image-to-a-file-like-found-image-works/22619) ]* Support Save to File as an output option to the Get URL, Execute Scripts/Shortcuts, and Plug In actions. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/copying-an-image-from-a-web-page-into-clipboard-having-some-issues-best-approach/30527/6) ]* Support saving images to Clipboard/File in a variety of formats for Get URL, Execute Scripts/Shortcuts, and Plug In actions. ]* Adjusted Hide Front Application to wait for the application to no longer be active before proceeding. ]* Adjusted Quit Application (et al) to wait for the application to terminate (or relaunch). ] ]Conditions ] ]* Add a File Attribute condition. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-prevent-an-action-from-working-under-certain-conditions/24333) ]* Added Macro is Executing condition. ] ]Filters ] ]* Added Sentence Case filter. ]* Added Styled Text to/from RTF filters. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/request-for-a-new-token-compositetextwidth/23344/15) ]* Adjusted the Word Count filter so that “1.49” is one word. ] ]Tokens ] ]* Added %Safari/Chrome/FrontBrowserWindowName% tokens. ]* Added %Safari/Chrome/FrontBrowserVersion/LongVersion% tokens. ]* Added Safari/ChromeBundleID/Path/Name tokens. ]* Added %FrontDocumentPath% token (thanks Chris!). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/finding-the-file-path-for-the-front-document-in-the-front-application/7095) ]* Added %ApplicationVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added %KeyboardMaestroVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added %SystemVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added %LastAbortedActionID% token. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/try-catch-would-love-to-get-more-details-in-tokens/25244/3) ]* Added %OptionReturn% token (valid in Insert Text by Typing only). ]* Added %ScreenResolution/s% tokens. ]* Added %AudioInputDevice/DeviceUID%, %AudioOutputDevice/DeviceUID%, %AudioSoundEffectsDevice/DeviceUID% tokens. ]* Added %AudioInputDevices% and %AudioOutputDevices% tokens. ]* Added %MusicPlayerState% token. ]* Added %System/Past/Trigger/NamedClipboardFlavors% tokens. ]* Adjusted the %FinderSelection/s% tokens to return the selected item, not the target of an alias/link. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/finderselections-with-symbolic-links/29015) ] ]Functions ] ]* Added PROCESSORS() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added MEMORY() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added UPTIME() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) ]* Added an optional second parameter to ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, and TRUNC functions. ] ]Fixes ] ]* Fixed a performance issue in the editor switching to/from macros with large numbers of triggers (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/performance-of-a-macro-with-many-key-triggers/16128) ]* Fixed a crash that could happen if the icon of one macro was dependent on another recursively. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/km-editor-crashing-at-launch/32735) ]* Fixed a possible crash after duplicate Typed String triggers fire and the macros are immediately reloaded. ]* Fixed an issue with Prompr For user Input sliders with initial values above 100. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/slider-keeps-rounding-my-values-down/32936/2) ]* Fixed some issues with the Ruler in text views. ]* Fixed an issue with the %|% token and emoji. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/bug-cursor-positioned-incorrectly-after-inserting-text-with-emojis/32446) ]* Fixed an issue searching for greater than 16-bit unicode characters. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/im-not-sure-that-emoji-are-reliably-searchable-in-the-keyboard-maestro-editor/16852) ]* Fixed a glitch in the KeyCaps.icns file. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/other-icons-export-as-trigger-file/31740/3) ]* Fixed an issue with %FinderSelection% and %FinderSelections% tokens. ]* Fixed an issue with USB Device Key triggers and MacBook Pro M2 Product ID = 0 keyboards. ]* Fixed Execute a JavaScript in Custom Prompt to process tokens on script paths. ]* Fixed using Helvetica in the Spotlight-like windows. ]* Fixed keyboardmaestro: URL so it works when the editor is launched. ]* Fixed Typed String triggers with regular expressions to produce conflict palettes if appropriate. ]* Fixed an issue with the non-edit trigger display of times in certain time zones. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/set-a-time-trigger-shows-a-different-time/29059) ]* Fixed setting Trigger Macro by Name to a Smart Macro Group. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/trigger-macro-by-name-limit-to-smart-group-results/29546) ]* Fixed a memory leak when finding images (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/excessive-keyboard-maestro-engine-memory-usage/30175/) ]* Fixed an issue with the Interactive Help listing macro execution multiple times. ]* Fixed an issue with the Interactive Help not listing recorded Quick Macro executions. ]* Fixed some issues with truncating strings with decomposed emoji characters. ]* Improved error reporting for Select Menu Item to better report the bogus error returned by Sonoma. ]* Ignore specific error -25204 and -25205 in Sonoma for Select Menu Item. ]* Request Location permission in Sonoma when Wireless information is needed. >Version 11 is a paid upgrade for everyone who purchased before March 1, 2023. > >Version 11 is a free upgrade for anyone who purchased after March 1, 2023. > >If you no longer desire to test beta versions, ignore this update and run the Terminal command: > >defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine CheckForBetas > >If you have not done so already, create an account on forum.keyboardmaestro.com, and contact me to add you to the beta group and then you can access a Beta category specific to discussing the beta - other than by email with me, this is the only place to discuss Keyboard Maestro 10. > >As always, you should ensure you have good backups before running any beta software (or any software really). > >Changed in 11.0.3 > >* Nothing > >Changed in 11.0.3d2 > >* Fixed an issue with displaying some forms of styled text (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/named-clipboards-how-to-change-font-and-background-color-font-type-size-etc/36116) >* Remove `exists` condition for variables which has no single meaning. > >Changed in 11.0.3d1 > >* Work around a bug in NSRegularExpression erroneously setting NSMatchingHitEnd (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/find-and-replace-with-regex-doesnt-find-every-occurrence/35137) >* Support dragging a file on to the File Selection button in the Write to File action (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/dragging-file-to-purple-folder-doesnt-get-the-path/34084) >* Corrected %LongSystemVersion% token to %SystemLongVersion%. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/km-11-token-systemlongversion-not-giving-a-result/34830) >* Added the SelectMenuByNameText token. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-get-last-selected-menu-item/35954/14) >* Worked around an issue with Open Finder Selection. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/the-application-cant-be-opened/34974) >* Fixed an issue with Focussed Window Title Changed trigger on activation. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/focused-window-title-changes-trigger-gets-triggered-upon-group-activation/35128) >* Resolved a crash if you enter percent characters in USB Device or Mounted Volume trigger names. >* Fixed Manipulate Window not working on multiple windows when it should have. >* Fixed an issue where the Active Macro Groups palette could be incorrect. >* Fixed a possible issue with New Chrome Window putting the URL in the old window. >* Fixed an issue where modifiers could be added to the search field if it was the focussed field when the editor activated. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-editor-unintentionally-inserting-modifiers-in-to-search-field/34463) >* Tried again to resolve issues with non-integer refresh rates and the Set Screen Resolution action. > >Changed in 11.0.2 > >* Nothing > >Changed in 11.0.2d1 > >* Resolved an issue Display Text Large stealing focus in Sonoma. >* Worked around an issue when setting window position and size when the system is animating the changes and gets confused. >* Fixed the Alert action to honor the Set Next Engine Window Position action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-the-alert-window-does-not-respond-to-the-set-next-engine-window-action/33870) >* Resolved an issue with keys in the status menu not being handled for a period of time after the Status Menu is opened. >* Resolved an issue with Set Variable to Text action and arrays within tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/bug-version-11-set-variable-to-text-variable-name-by-indirection-variable-name-from-array-with-custom-delimiter/33934) >* Set Variable to Text will error if it is setting an indexed element and the index is out of range. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-write-to-a-position-in-an-array-variable/25702/7) >* Resolved a performance issue with the FrontDocumentPath token in the editor. >* Possibly resolved an issue with USB Device Key triggers when lots of 0 packets are sent by the device. >* Fixed an issue with the non-edit display of OCR languages. >* Fixed an issue with non-integer screen refresh rates. > >Changed in 11.0.1 > >* Resolved an issue with the macro group Toggle window stealing focus in Sonoma. >* Fixed a possible issue with some Wireless trigger names. >* Fixed a minor issue with the non-Edit display of Smart Groups. > >Changed in 11.0.1d1 > >* Request Calendar permission when using the Create Calendar Entry action. >* Fixed an issue with Press a Button and other actions when it fails but does not abort the macro. >* Fixed some issues with the Select Menu by Name action. >* Fixed Search and Replace action to fail when the source cannot be read. >* Mitigate issue with 1Password corrupted bookmarks causing a crash. >* Fixed an issue with Show Palette of Macros not using the default theme initially. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/palettes-all-changed-with-v11/33685) >* Fixed the TriggerBase values for the Periodic, Time of Day and other triggers. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-periodic-trigger-s-triggerbase-value-has-changed-in-km11/33607) >* Fixed an issue with FinderSelections and other tokens on pre-Ventura systems. >* Added a TokenTimeout and ForceSynchronousTokens preference. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/possible-bug-finderselections-token-returns-inaccurate-results-when-selecting-large-number-of-items/33713) >* Fixed some false positives with modifier only typed strings. >* Fixed an issue with Find Image & Click Mouse With Found Image when Waiting For Match. > >Changed in 11.0 > >* Fixed assertion in Engroup to Macro > >Changed in 11.0d7 > >* Fixed Filter Styled Text to RTF >* Ignore specific error -25204 in Sonoma for Select Menu Item. > >Changed in 11.0d6 > >* Ignore specific error -25205 in Sonoma for Select Menu Item. >* Request Location permission in Sonoma when Wireless information is needed. > >Changed in 11.0d5 > >* Improved error reporting for Select Menu Item to better report the bogus error returned by Sonoma. > >Changed in 11.0d4 > >* Changed keyboardmaestro CLI from --trigger to --parameter. >* Added or by keyboardmaestro CLI Tool to the Or By Script menu. >* Minor changes to make documentation easier. >* Fixed a display glitch in the Create Calendar Entry action editor. >* Added code to work around FB13168108 bogus Screen Resolution issues. >* Support Set Variable To Text setting array entries to %Delete% to delete them. >* Fixed Tool Tip on New Macro Wizard button. >* Fixed Welcome to Keyboard Maestro version number! > >Changed in 11.0d3 > >* Fixed a problem with StreamDeck triggers created in pre-v11. >* Added `url` search term to New Browser Window/Tab. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/the-open-a-url-action-is-not-functioning/33129/5) >* Fixed some issues with truncating strings with decomposed emoji characters. > >Changed in 11.0d2 > >* AppleScript `do script` returns results from the Return action. >* keyboardmaestro Command tool returns results from the Return action. >* Execute Macro shortcut returns results from the Return action. >* Added a warning for the Return action if it is not the last action in a list. >* Fixed issue where a duplicated search string matched action does not appear matched. >* Fixed an issue with overly enthusiastic search field completion suggestions. >* Fixed the File > New Macro Wizard being greyed out. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-11-0d/33070/13) >* Fixed the New Macro Wizard Typed String not accepting modifier keys. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-11-0d/33070/17) >* Fixed issue with Palettes displaying wide enough to hold a title that is not shown. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/cant-understand-why-palette-contains-a-wide-blank-area/33081/4) >* Fixed spectacularly bad fail of `Append results to variable` script option. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/keyboard-maestro-11-0d/33070/23) >* Fixed an issue with the window switcher switching to different monitors. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/window-switcher-activate-window-on-other-monitor/33018) > >Changed in 11.0d1 > >Editor > >* Added New Macro Wizard to quickly make new macros. >* Added Security preference pane to sumarise the state and adjust the various system security settings. >* Added Macro Group synching option to Disable Macro Group on All Macs. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/request-new-group-creation-pref-disabled-on-this-mac-on-all-cpus/32698) >* Report if macros that are deleted are in use by other macros. >* Added deprecated: search string. >* Added action:1234 search string. >* Added word:wombat search string. >* Show Click Location in Quick Look view of images in Click at Found Image (contstant offsets only). >* Added “Do Not Ask Again” option to Evaluate Conditions alert. >* Added link to wiki Preferences in the General preferences settings. >* Support option-Return in AppleScript script fields to add “¬” character. >* Support text completion for Path fields. >* Support `macros` in AppleScript smart groups. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-applescript-parity-between-macro-groups-and-smart-macro-groups/14602/4) >* Added defence warning against the application being moved. (https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/action/linkthru?applicationmoved) >* Added Find button when deleting a named clipboard that is used by one or more macros. >* Added Move Action Up/Down menu items. >* Added support to Press Button action to scan application windows for buttons. >* Default new Execute JavaScript actions to modern syntax. >* Added live results to the Search & Replace action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/action-live-result-display/3124) > >Engine > >* Added `keyboardmaestro` command line tool for triggering or editing macros. >* Added modern JavaScript syntax mode. >* Added support for limiting variables passed to scripts. >* Added Apple Text Recognition to OCR options (macOS 10.15+). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/apple-vision-ocr-instead-of-tessaract/24464) >* Added Active Macro Groups palette to show which groups are active (available via the Help menu or the Status Menu). >* Simplified `Paste "xyz"` submenu in the status menu to just display the text. >* Added an option to include macro icons in the status menu. >* Added an option to include macro icons in the group status menus. >* Added Blue Topaz theme. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/custom-palette-style-colors/3516/28) >* Request Screen Recording permission if the Pixel Condition is used. >* Request Contacts permission if the AddressBook token is used. >* Allow Create Unique File action without an output variable to execute without error. >* Better detection and reporting of errors in Web Browser actions. >* Use custom For Each action name in Display Progress title. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/for-each-action-now-has-its-own-progress-bar-km10/26437/8) >* Added an option to show only Images in the Clipboard History Switcher. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/search-filter-images-only-in-clipboard-history-switcher/30123) >* Support Command & Command-Shift Arrows in Spotlight-like windows. >* Support `\` processing in variable token array item separators (eg %Variable%Lines[3]\n%). >* Limit JavaScriptValue token maximum execution time to half a second. >* Support arbitrarily large numbers of files dropped on a palette entry. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/increase-maximum-number-of-files-that-can-be-dropped-on-a-macro/31285) >* Resolve symlinks for Applications (specifically this helps with the move of Safari in Ventura). >* Removed use of deprecated SecKeychainUnlock et al. >* Remove the "The text is" (and similar) from the Display Text windows. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/change-manipulate-the-title-of-the-display-text-in-window/32567/4) >* Allow Prompt For user Input sliders to return decimals. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/slider-keeps-rounding-my-values-down/32936/2) > >Triggers > >* Added Space Changed trigger. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-new-trigger-desktop-space-change/32640) >* Added tapped only once/twice/3 times options to Hot Key and USB Device Key trigger. >* Added support for modifiers in Typed String triggers (eg “em⇧” means e, m, tap the shift key). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/suggestion-use-key-sequences-including-modifiers-to-trigger-macros/27093) > >Actions > >* Added Prompt for Snippet action. >* Added Create Calendar Event action (macOS 10.14+). >* Added Send Pushover Notification action. >* Added Set Screen Resolution action. >* Added Select Menu by Name action. >* Added Remove Clipboard Flavors action. >* Added Set Audio Input/Output/Sound Effects Device actions. >* Added Mute/Unmute Audio Output Device action. >* Added Get Location action. >* Added option to Click at Found Image action to wait for the image to appear. >* Added option to Find Image on Screen action to wait for the image to appear. >* Added Progress Bar option to Group action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/for-each-action-now-has-its-own-progress-bar-km10/26437/12) >* Added Progress Bar option to Repeat action. >* Added support for other kinds of actions to the Press Button action (eg showing a menu). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/whats-the-best-way-to-work-with-mini-menus-not-the-menu-bar/10853/2) >* Added an optional HelpURL field to Plug In actions. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-support-for-proper-help-information-in-third-party-plugins/20285) >* Added support to Set JSON Value action to delete dictionary or array entries by setting to `%Delete%`. >* Added explicit File Move and File Rename options to the Move or Rename action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/wiki-update-file-actions/11023) >* Added Hide Other Application, Bring All Window to Front and Reopen Initial Windows options to Activate Application action when already at front. >* Added an option to reduce the CPU usage of Pause Until for long running pauses. >* Support Set Variable to Text action setting array elements of a variable. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-loop-through-array-variable/13498/3) >* Added configurable themes for Show Palette of Macros action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-to-have-multiple-conflict-palette-styles/29239) >* Added option to Applications Palette action to default to Hide Others when switching. >* Added option to Apply Modifiers to Application action to default to Hide Others when switching. >* Add options for All Windows and Reopen windows to Activate Last Application. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/is-there-a-km-action-equivalent-to-btt-switch-to-previous-window/31917/25) >* Added File option to Stream Deck Set Image action. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/stream-deck-set-the-image-to-a-file-like-found-image-works/22619) >* Support Save to File as an output option to the Get URL, Execute Scripts/Shortcuts, and Plug In actions. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/copying-an-image-from-a-web-page-into-clipboard-having-some-issues-best-approach/30527/6) >* Support saving images to Clipboard/File in a variety of formats for Get URL, Execute Scripts/Shortcuts, and Plug In actions. >* Adjusted Hide Front Application to wait for the application to no longer be active before proceeding. >* Adjusted Quit Application (et al) to wait for the application to terminate (or relaunch). > >Conditions > >* Add a File Attribute condition. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/how-prevent-an-action-from-working-under-certain-conditions/24333) >* Added Macro is Executing condition. > >Filters > >* Added Sentence Case filter. >* Added Styled Text to/from RTF filters. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/request-for-a-new-token-compositetextwidth/23344/15) >* Adjusted the Word Count filter so that “1.49” is one word. > >Tokens > >* Added %Safari/Chrome/FrontBrowserWindowName% tokens. >* Added %Safari/Chrome/FrontBrowserVersion/LongVersion% tokens. >* Added Safari/ChromeBundleID/Path/Name tokens. >* Added %FrontDocumentPath% token (thanks Chris!). (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/finding-the-file-path-for-the-front-document-in-the-front-application/7095) >* Added %ApplicationVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added %KeyboardMaestroVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added %SystemVersion/LongVersion% tokens. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added %LastAbortedActionID% token. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/try-catch-would-love-to-get-more-details-in-tokens/25244/3) >* Added %OptionReturn% token (valid in Insert Text by Typing only). >* Added %ScreenResolution/s% tokens. >* Added %AudioInputDevice/DeviceUID%, %AudioOutputDevice/DeviceUID%, %AudioSoundEffectsDevice/DeviceUID% tokens. >* Added %AudioInputDevices% and %AudioOutputDevices% tokens. >* Added %MusicPlayerState% token. >* Added %System/Past/Trigger/NamedClipboardFlavors% tokens. >* Adjusted the %FinderSelection/s% tokens to return the selected item, not the target of an alias/link. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/finderselections-with-symbolic-links/29015) > >Functions > >* Added PROCESSORS() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added MEMORY() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added UPTIME() function. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/feature-request-an-enhancement-to-get-hardware-and-software-based-information-without-coding/31812) >* Added an optional second parameter to ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, and TRUNC functions. > >Fixes > >* Fixed a performance issue in the editor switching to/from macros with large numbers of triggers (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/performance-of-a-macro-with-many-key-triggers/16128) >* Fixed a crash that could happen if the icon of one macro was dependent on another recursively. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/km-editor-crashing-at-launch/32735) >* Fixed a possible crash after duplicate Typed String triggers fire and the macros are immediately reloaded. >* Fixed an issue with Prompr For user Input sliders with initial values above 100. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/slider-keeps-rounding-my-values-down/32936/2) >* Fixed some issues with the Ruler in text views. >* Fixed an issue with the %|% token and emoji. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/bug-cursor-positioned-incorrectly-after-inserting-text-with-emojis/32446) >* Fixed an issue searching for greater than 16-bit unicode characters. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/im-not-sure-that-emoji-are-reliably-searchable-in-the-keyboard-maestro-editor/16852) >* Fixed a glitch in the KeyCaps.icns file. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/other-icons-export-as-trigger-file/31740/3) >* Fixed an issue with %FinderSelection% and %FinderSelections% tokens. >* Fixed an issue with USB Device Key triggers and MacBook Pro M2 Product ID = 0 keyboards. >* Fixed Execute a JavaScript in Custom Prompt to process tokens on script paths. >* Fixed using Helvetica in the Spotlight-like windows. >* Fixed keyboardmaestro: URL so it works when the editor is launched. >* Fixed Typed String triggers with regular expressions to produce conflict palettes if appropriate. >* Fixed an issue with the non-edit trigger display of times in certain time zones. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/set-a-time-trigger-shows-a-different-time/29059) >* Fixed setting Trigger Macro by Name to a Smart Macro Group. (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/trigger-macro-by-name-limit-to-smart-group-results/29546) >* Fixed a memory leak when finding images (https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/excessive-keyboard-maestro-engine-memory-usage/30175/) >* Fixed an issue with the Interactive Help listing macro execution multiple times. >* Fixed an issue with the Interactive Help not listing recorded Quick Macro executions. > >If you no longer desire to test beta versions, install a release version, and run the Terminal command: > >defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine CheckForBetas >