"items_added":"(PLEASE NOTE) Please also be patient when updating to this version if you have a very large database and allow the upgrade process to finish.\nRename 'un/played' to 'un/watched' terminology for video types (PM-1042)\nWe have identified an issue where automatic updates were not respecting custom paths for existing Windows 64-bit installs. Unfortunately, any automatic fix would introduce security vulnerabilities so we encourage users who installed in a custom path to uninstall and then manually reinstall Plex Media Server.","items_fixed":"(Auto Update) Custom install paths are not respected when auto-updating on 64 bit Windows. (PM-1143)\n(CreditsDetection) Retry detection only a limited amount of times on failures (PM-1093)\n(DB Optimize) Server could become unresponsive during a DB optimize in certain circumstances (PM-1129)\n(History) Query parsing would return Bad Request when encountering includeFields arguments.\n(History) View history would yield fewer entries than requested (PM-1306)\n(Loudness Analysis) Some files could cause errors when preforming Loudness Analysis. (PM-627)\n(Mac) Linker optimization would incorrectly generate code that would cause the server to unexpectedly exit while syncing view state. (PM-1308)\n(Nvidia Shield) Running on Nvidia Shield would result in 'core component problem' error. (PM-1364)\n(Push Notifications) Used expensive DB query during playback progress notifications (PM-1166)\n(Thumbnails) Thumbnails were not properly updated when underlying file changed (PM-1162)\n(Trailers) Premium trailers and extras could fail to load (PM-1347)\n(Transcoder) On Windows, headless (no display attached) Nvidia cards were not recognized (PM-962)\n(Transcoder) On Windows, the first Intel device was used for transcoding regardless of which Intel device was selected (PM-962)"